IMPORTANT - Disclaimer Notice

When you access this website, you should know that we provide the information and services on this site subject to the warnings below. By ticking on the ‘disclaimer’ box, you agree to the following warnings:

Own risk

You use this website and its services at your own risk.

This means that the information and services provided on this site are “as is” and it is your responsibility to evaluate the currency, accuracy, completeness and suitability of all such information and/or documents prior to using them.

We make no warranties or offer guarantees.

The law changes and we don’t know your circumstances (so we don’t know the circumstances in which documents provided by us will be used); this means that we make no warranties and/or guarantees that any information or document on, or accessed via, this website, is accurate, current or appropriate for the purposes for which it is used.

We also cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error-free use of the website.


You do not hold us responsible for any damage or loss that may happen to you in relation to any documents you use or buy from this website.

This means that you will not make claims against us unless we have behaved in a grossly negligent or reckless manner.

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This website does not provide advice.

The services provided on this site are not a substitute for specific legal, financial, business or professional advice; they should not be regarded as such or relied upon in this way. Many factors may affect the applicability of any document or other information available on this website. If you are in any doubt whatsoever about the suitability or accuracy of any information or document provided by this website, you should not rely upon such information or document without first consulting a lawyer or professional advisor with respect to your specific situation.

A service for individuals only

We offer template or standard documents for use by individuals.

This means that these documents are intended for once-off transactions. These documents are not intended for use where a party to the transaction is acting in the ordinary course of their business. Developers, estate agents and property portfolio managers/ owners or any persons or entities participating in the property industry are advised to consult the appropriate professional services provider for advice.

PLEASE NOTE: the agreement provided for on this site, while it covers most regular sales of property, does not cover all situations. If you have particular (or unusual) conditions that apply to your property or to the sale, it is advisable to consult an attorney for advice.”